Marriage is significant to God is because it is part of His ordained plan to provide the world with a picture of His love for men and women.[1] Marriage is sacred covenant and divinely ordained to reflect the relationship between Christ and His Church[2]. Therefore, all of the plans for your wedding should reflect the sacredness of that covenant.
We will provide instruction and guidance concerning sexual purity, beginning with our youth and encompassing the entire church body;
It is our desire that your marriage be the happiest relationship possible, and that it be all God intended it to be.
God created man and woman in His Image, and united them in Holy Matrimony so that each might give what the other lacked alone. Since God designed the marriage relationship, it makes sense that He knows best how to build a happy marriage.
As we read His Word, we are able to discern basic principles which must be understood and applied if we hope to experience joy and fulfillment in marriage. Ignoring these principles could result in failure and frustration in the marriage relationship.
Because we are committed to building strong marriages, we want to share the following guidelines. Our purpose is not to condemn or reject anyone, but to comply with God’s principles for marriage.
Marriage is a provision of God wherein one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others enter into a lifelong relationship [3] through a marriage ceremony that is recognized by the church and legally sanctioned by the state. Marriage establishes a “one-flesh” relationship [4] that goes beyond a physical union and is more than either a temporary relationship of convenience intended to provide personal pleasure or a contract that binds two people together in a legal partnership. (Article 5.9.1 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
Marriage establishes an emotional and spiritual oneness that enables both partners to respond to the spiritual, physical and social needs of the other.[5] It provides the biblical context for the procreation of children. Marriage is to be an exclusive relationship that is maintained in purity.[6] It is intended by God to be a permanent relationship. It is a witness to the world of the relationship between Christ and His church.[7] (Article 5.9.1 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
Marriage requires a commitment of love, perseverance and faith. Because of its sanctity and permanence, marriage should be treated with seriousness and entered into only after counsel and prayer for God’s guidance. Christians should marry only those who are believers.[8] An individual who becomes a believer after marriage should remain with his/her partner in peace, and should give witness to the Gospel in the home. [9] (Article 5.9.1 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
The Bible holds family life as a position of trust and responsibility. The home is a stabilizing force in society, a place of nurture, counsel, and safety for children. [10]
Marriage can only be broken by porneia, which is understood as marital unfaithfulness[11] involving adultery, homosexuality, or incest. While the Scriptures give evidence that the marriage vow and “one-flesh” union are broken by such acts and therefore recognize the breaking of the marriage relationship, the Scriptures do recommend that the most desirable option would be reconciliation.[12] (Article 5.9.1 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
God created sex for marriage. God’s plan for sexuality is that all sexual activity to be reserved for marriage. Sexual purity has to be maintained as our body is the temple of God. Once a couple has entered into premarital preparation with Miracle Family Temple, they will agree to remain celibate and not live together at any time prior to the wedding ceremony. The minister will not perform the ceremony if the couple is living at the same address or not remaining celibate.
It is God’s will that you should be sanctified; that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; for God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.[13]
In keeping with the Bible’s teaching on sex we ask couples to do the following:
அபோஸ்தலனாகிய பவுலுக்கு கொடுத்ததுபோலவே, தேவன் உங்களுக்கும் ஒரு தரிசனத்தைக் கொடுக்க விரும்புகிறார். நோக்கத்தையும் குறிக்கோள்களையும்கூட உங்களுக்கு வெளிப்படுத்த விரும்புகிறார். தரிசனத்தை நிறைவேற்ற அது உங்களை பெலப்படுத்தும். “ஒரு தரிசனத்தின் பிறப்பை” நீங்கள் அனுபவிக்கும்போது, தேவனுடைய தெய்வீக திட்டத்தில், நீங்கள் வெறும் ஒரு பார்வையாளராக அல்ல, பங்காளராக மாறிவிடுவீர்கள்.
Miracle Family Temple realizes that re-marriages are just as valid and sacred to God as first marriages. We desire to help your marriage with every opportunity to succeed. Therefore, divorced persons may be considered for marriage at Miracle Family Temple should they meet one of the criterion as per the standings of the (Article 5.9.3 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
Remarriage is the union, legally sanctioned by the State, of one man and one woman, one or both of whom have been previously married. It is regarded as acceptable in Scripture in the event of the death of a former spouse. It is also regarded as acceptable if there has been sexual immorality on the part of the former partner or if the former partner has remarried. (Article 5.9.3 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014).
We believe that divorce is not God’s intention. It is God’s concession to the “hardness of men’s hearts.” [14]
We, therefore, discourage divorce by all lawful means and teaching. Our objective is reconciliation and the healing of the marital union wherever possible. Marital unfaithfulness should not be considered so much an occasion or opportunity for divorce but rather an opportunity for Christian grace, forgiveness, and restoration. Divorce in our society is a termination of a marriage through a legal process authorized by the State. While the Church recognizes this legal process as an appropriate means to facilitate the permanent separation of spouses, the Church restricts the idea of divorce, in the sense of dissolution of marriage, to reasons specified in Scripture. (Article 5.9.2 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
The weight of the biblical record is negative and the explicit statement is made, “God hates divorce.”[15] Divorce is more than an action of the courts which breaks the legal contract between partners in a marriage. It is also the fracture of a unique human relationship between a male and a female. Divorce has profound consequences for the children. Divorce is evidence of the sinful nature expressed in human failure. Jesus gives one explicit cause for the dissolution of marriage: porneia or marital unfaithfulness. (Article 5.9.2 From Marriage and Position, PAOC, General Constitution and By-Laws (2014)
Where all attempts at reconciliation have failed and a divorce has been finalized, we extend Christ’s love and compassion.
In case of premarital pregnancy, the marriage may or may not be performed depending on the maturity of the persons involved and other considerations. The final decision to perform the ceremony will be determined by the minister.
“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy and not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”[16]
What are the specific requirements to be married at Miracle Family Temple or by a Miracle Family Temple pastor?
BRIDE & GROOM QUESTIONNAIRES AND DOCUMENTS: The church provides you with this Wedding Policy, Bride and Groom Application forms. The prospective bride and groom must each fill out their respective form and return them to the church office. These will then be submitted to the Lead Pastor for review. A wedding date can be booked only after you have received formal approval for your wedding by the Wedding Approval Committee. For those who are intending to get married at Miracle Family Temple must contact the minister or his representative one year in advance and complete the necessary documents
In order for our church to better prepare couples for a life-long marriage, all couples who desire to be married at Miracle Family Temple will agree to a minimum of six months of marital preparation, which will include:
Due to the high demand for, and use of, our facilities, we need to give preference to members and regular adherents for the use of our facilities. Time slots are booked on a first come/first served basis.
Miracle Family Temple has some wedding decor options that you may want to use, or incorporate into your own decor theme. In decorating the sanctuary, simplicity is best. The church will be opened one hour before the scheduled time of the wedding, and flowers may be delivered then. Candelabra (including candles) are available to be used in the sanctuary.
No nails, thumbtacks, or tape are to be used, however, florist’s wire may be used to hold decorations in place. Please be aware that there may be seasonal decorations in the church at the time of any wedding.
We urge couples to carefully consider ALL of what you would like to do at your reception in light of the following biblical principles, regardless of where the reception will be held:
A one-hour rehearsal is scheduled for weddings. The date of the rehearsal will be arranged with the officiating minister. The entire wedding party should attend.
Many church personnel are involved in the preparation of your wedding. Please treat them respectfully by being on time for your appointments, rehearsal and, of course, for the wedding ceremony
End Notes