In the life and ministry of every Christian and Church, ‘giving’ is a very important discipline. Money (and of course other resources) and the Mission of the Church are inseparably connected. From this perspective, giving and stewardship are also intertwined. However, very few Christians have a proper, balanced biblical-theological understanding of giving and so not many give. Therefore, in this article we will focus on 1) the theology of giving and 2) a few principles and practical suggestions regarding the discipline of Christian giving.
Some Principles and Practical Suggestions for Christian-Biblical Giving: What is biblical is Christian and vice versa, for the Bible is the ultimate authority for Christians in all matters of faith/belief and conduct/behaviour. We will first look at some principles and then move to practical suggestions, all based on the Bible.
If we really want to give biblically, then we have to work hard with the help of the Holy Spirit and overcome the following hindrances to biblical giving (Matt. 6: 24-34; Mark 4 19; Luke 12: 13-21; 16: 13-15; 1 Tim. 6: 3-10 and 19-19; Heb. 13: 5).
To be loving-giving is to be like God who is loving-giving. To be made more Christ/God-like in every area of life (including giving) is the essence of sanctification (Romans 8: 29; 1 John 2: 6; 2 Cor. 3: 18). Therefore, if we are growing Christians, then there has to be a corresponding growth in our giving of time, talents and treasures to God and for His work. May the Lord help us all to excel in the grace of giving (2 Cor. 8: 7) and thus become more like Him. If we are biblical in our thinking about life, we know that we take nothing with us when we die and leave this world. This knowledge should make us wiser to use all our resources to further God’s purposes and to meet our family’s reasonable needs (Luke 12: 20-21; Job 1: 20-21; Eccl. 5: 15). In fact, how we use what God has entrusted to us demonstrates where our heart really is or what we value most. Money and material things are neutral – it is our attitude towards and use of them that reflects our true spiritual condition. May God enable us (you and me) to be more biblically spiritual in our attitude towards and use of all our resources, particularly money and material.